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Sports Massage with 
Osteopathic Techniques

Personal Trainer & Sports Massage Therapist, Chiswick London



What are Osteopathic techniques?


Osteopathic Techniques are specifically used by Osteopath to treat a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions and improve quality of life. An osteopathic diagnosis follows the osteopathic principles. The osteopath will then use the most appropriate techniques based on patient pathology, age and medical condition.

Because Osteopathy is a very holistic approach to treatment, a pléthore of techniques are used to treat the body as a whole unit, restore functions, an enhance healing. These techniques are known as articulation, HVT (when you hear a pop), counterstain, sacro-cranial, visceral…..

Each technique require an extended knowledge in physiology, anatomy, biomechanics and very good palpation skills. 



What is sports massage?


Sports Massage covers a wide range of techniques. Some are similar to Swedish massage to induce complete body relaxation. Others are designed to treat musculoskeletal dysfunctions, alleviate pain, break down scar tissues, increase blood flow and range of motion. Evidence has shown that sports massage improves flexibility and muscle soreness after exercise (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness).



Who can benefit from Osteopathic techniques & Sports Massage?


Anyone can benefit from Sports Massage. You don’t need to be an athlete to feel that your body aches and needs to be pampered. No matter how many hours you train per week, it is always important to address aches, stiffness and restrictions before they get worst. 



Which Osteopathic technique do I use during treatment?


  • Articulation Techniques aim to restore joint range of motion. Articulation techniques help to improve posture and joint health by helping the joint to move through its barriers using passive, progressive and gentle elongations. Mobilising the joint enhances the secretion and restore synovial fluid functions, thus reduce inflammation. Articulation techniques also help to reduce friction between cartilages and prevent joints’ degeneration


  • Muscle Energy Technique (MET) is widely used among Osteopaths. MET is used to treat muscle restrictions and increase range of motion. This technique is particularly helpful in chronic conditions. 



Which techniques are used in sports massage?


  • Effleurage is a light pressure technique that enhances blood flow by dilating the capillaries.


  • Petrissage loosen muscle fibres and promote venous return by increasing blood flow in the capillaries.


  • Cross-fibre technique enhance the healing process by generating an analgesic effect on the ligaments and tendon injuries. 


  • Compression allows capillary beds to empty then refill during decompression. This technique helps to drain toxins and wastes towards the lymph.


  • Friction plays an active role at different stages of the healing process by remodelling and breaking down the scar tissues (adhesions) on tendons, ligaments and muscles. 


  • Myofascial/trigger point techniques relaxes muscles. In Asia, this technique follows the lines of the meridians. 


6 benefits of combining Osteopathic Techniques and Sports Massage


1. Pain reduction due to joint restrictions, tight muscles and fascias can be achieved by articulation techniques, MET, deep pressure technique, which increases blood and lymphatic flow.


2. Improve posture: joint restrictions, tight muscles, muscle imbalances due to repeated movement pattern and lifestyle alter your body biomechanics and create dysfunctions that lead to chronic pain. Articulation techniques, MET and deep tissues help to keep your body mobile at any stage of life. 


3. Reduction of scar tissues. In a nutshell, when you get injured, you may damage one or several muscles, tendons or ligaments. Your body starts its healing process by generating new layers of fibres to cover the wound and replace the damaged ones. However, these layers, called scar tissues, do not build evenly. If scar tissues are not treated, they may lead to tissue shrinkage therefore affect your range of motion.


4. Relaxation involves neurological changes. The activity of the parasympathetic system increases as hormones and chemicals are released under massage pressure to make you relax.


5. Improve venous return therefore a greater blood flow


6. Improves lymphatic drainage by moving toxins and by-products towards the lymphatic system. it help to reduce swelling caused by water retention.





Barral, J.P., Corbier, A. (2016). New manual articular approach, lower extremities. The Barral Institute.


Davis, H.L., Alabed, S., Ainsley Chico, T.J. (2019). Effect of sports massage on performance and recovery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Open Sport & Exercise Medicine 6(1):e000614 DOI:10.1136/bmjsem-2019-000614


Fernádez-de-las-Peñas, C., Cleland J.A., Dommerholt, J. (2016). Manual therapy for musculoskeletal pain syndromes. An evidence and clinical informed approach. Elsvier. 


Hartman, L. (1997). Handbook of osteopathic techniques. 3rd Edition. Cengage Learning. 


Lee, S.J., Yoo, J.J., Atala, A. (2016). In Situ Tissue Regeneration: Host Cell Recruitment and Biomaterial Design. Elsiver.


Rattray, F., Ludwig, L. (2005). Clinical massage therapy. Understanding, assessing and treating over 70 conditions. Talus incorporated.


Tortora, G. & Derrickson, B. (2017). Principles of anatomy & physiology. 15th edn. USA: Willey.

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